Thursday, July 11, 2013

Kate's Quest for Lovely Legs

Have you ever completed Insanity or P90X and saw amazing results the first time you did it? But then... you decided to do it over again-because it was so... successful. However, this time through, the results were less desirable. Why is that? If you continue to follow a workout, without any changes, it could place you in a tough plateau. That's is why it's always a good idea to revamp workouts. You can change a work out by adjusting the following:
  • Set/reps
  • Exercises
  • Intensity
  • Amount of days worked out
  • Length of workout
I usually change my workouts every TWO weeks by adjusting sets, reps, and intensity. I tend to lift heavier some weeks. Other weeks, I'll focus on lifting to failure. Every month, I usually reconstruct my workouts. 

Kate's Quest for Lovely Legs

Warm-up jogging two laps and stretch 

1. Lunges 5x25

2. Superset:

  • Bosu Ball squats 5x25
  • Jumping lunges 5x25
3. Wall-sits 5x30second holds

4. Superset:
  • Bosu Ball Plie Squats 5x25
  • Burpees 5x25
5. Lunge kickbacks 5x25

6. Triple-set:
  • Forward Lifts 5x25
  • Reverse Leg Lifts 5x25
  • Side Leg Lifts
7. Frog Jumps 5x25
8. Balance Lunge (chair lunge) 5x25

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