Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year Goals

Why Set Goals
Goal setting is a powerful way of thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision into reality. 

Effects of Setting Goals
The effects of goals can help you focus on the important details needed to accomplish your dream. Writing your goals down prevents distractions. Furthermore, it clarifies priorities to keep you on the right track. The effects of setting goals can empower you to believe in the outcome and maintain a positive attitude while in the process of achieving that goal. 

How to Set Goals
When setting goals, set a general goal. Then break the general goal down into more specific goals. Be sure to have reasonable deadlines that are achievable in the time frame. Remember goals are used to keep you focused and motivated. 

My 2014 New Year Goals

Short-Term Goals: I will..
1. Grow in my relationship with God and my husband by reading the Bible daily.
2. Complete my national board personal training certification by May 2014.
3. Obtain a full-time job in personal training this fall.
4. Lose 3% of body fat by May.
5. Regain my summer six-pack before the end of June.
6. Bench Press 120 lbs. by August.
7. Squat 210 lbs. August.

Long-Term Goals: I will..
1. Within the next 2 years compete in NPC competition and place in the top 5.
2. Gain my Pro-Card.
3. Masters in Nutrition at the University of Baylor

"You need to build a house. To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or a goal."
-Zig Ziglar

"The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score."
-Bill Copeland

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