Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cortisol Tad Bits/Sprint Training Workout

Sprinting works fast twitch muscle fibers and has been shown to increase natural anabolic hormones and GH which helps burn fat and build muscle.

On top of 5-6 days a week of lifting, I usually add 2-3 days of sprint training. I have notice a BIG difference with sprinting than when I used to do runs of 7 miles. Cortisol is released during times of high mental and physical stress; therefore, when you keep the heart rate up for long periods of time, the hormone is being released causing the athlete to store fat around the core.  Interestingly enough, cortisol is also released first thing in the morning. Morning aerobics have been thought to help for this very reason. However, this is a misguided thinking because exercising on an empty stomach (aka fasted cardio) has been shown to intensify cortisol effects thus resulting in further muscle loss, and consequently metabolic resistance to body fat loss.

I try to keep my session down to aerobic 30-45 minutes and weight training no more than 45 minutes. I notice a great difference with my stomach; I am not holding fat around the hips and the lower belly.

Track Workout:


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